students walking in the quad.

Spiritual consciousness creates reality reddit

Spiritual consciousness creates reality reddit. The physical self follows the spiritual self. If everything is energy and consciousness (which I believe it is) and we create our own reality depending on our state of being within our minds which is linked to every other state of being in the oneness, then, does the non physical world that other very consci With Neville, your self is divided into two beings: one an spiritual self and another a physical self. “I refute it thus,” he cried as his foot rebounded from reality. We basically created a reality then convinced ourselves we can’t change it, thus we lost magic. NDEs may be discussed here from a spiritual or a scientific viewpoint. Conscious living serves as a bridge between these domains, fostering wonder, responsibility, inner peace, and unity. But yeah I am not surely in favour of Buddha according to whom it's better to escape the existence cause he has no hope for existence to be free of any suffering 😂 Fourth Dimensional Reality – The Hallway into the Fifth Dimension, Consciousness begins to Awaken “A shift in perspective makes the particles in your universe dance to new possibilities. Believing reality is malleable by use of the mind is the belief in magic. These essentially refer to the level of awareness you have over yourself – which includes the mental, emotional and physical aspects of you as a being. com Aug 15, 2023 · At the threshold of the first level of your spiritual journey, consciousness emerges as a shimmering mirage, drawing seekers into a world dominated by materialism’s intoxicating allure. That foundation is based on the belief that reality is far greater than what can be perceived with 5 senses of the human body. . -Us as consciousness, started to enter and play realities that we call life. It’s out of your hands. IMO it has to do with perception and how you react to the situation you're in. We discuss the ideas and life of Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung (pronounced YOONG), and all things Jungian. Some key points to note from the article: William James, the father of Western psychology, in 1902 defined spiritual experiences as states of higher consciousness, which are induced by efforts to understand the general principles or structure of the world through one’s inner experience. An NDE is a hyper-lucid experience associated with perceived consciousness apart from the body occurring at the time of actual or threatened imminent death. Our consciousness of our true existence creates our perceptions of our reality. Fact is no matter how you want to look at it the very fact that there is no "I" that is the agent behind thought and no free will and YET "something" is aware of the entire experience and more importantly that "something does not reside in the head and its not something the brain creates and lastly you are aware as that thing i. How do 1. usually we experience something in between. consciousness Our consciousness of our true existence creates our perceptions of our reality. Within the aspect of the overall Consciousness that is you, your mind has three aspects of consciousness, unconsciousness and sub-consciousness. Our focus is on the spiritual practice of Astral Projection, studies and discussions on non-local states of consciousness, and understanding Out-of-Body phenomena. Why wouldn't non-conscious material reality create consciousness? You say "Reason" tells you it can't, or that it's counter-intuitive, but I don't share that intuition at all. So, it would be helpful for everyone if you could say what you mean by "consciousness" in order to avoid confusion. Jun 6, 2019 · From a “spiritual” perspective (which sees consciousness as fundamental), though, altruism is easy to explain. Our reality has already been created by our beliefs, and imaginal acts. The spiritual self travels via imagination, I AM, etc. No amount of collective meditation will change the course we’re on because another reality exists that we can’t create anything on our own. Maybe reality is fundamentally made of consciousness, and matter is just a pattern which appears in consciousness. Discover how these seemingly distinct realms share common ground in the study of consciousness, quantum physics, the search for meaning, and human well-being. And yes, maybe those simple elements of consciousness are tiny parts of an all-embracing, universal consciousness (which you call "field of mind"); maybe conscious observers and "mind" just emerge naturally from (known) physical interactions that define what we see as reality. Some people, from my understanding, believe you can manipulate this will to your advantage through chaos magick. Healing/welness Cultures spiritually bypassy New Age "teachers" keeps telling and indoctinate to say shit like; “you create your own reality, so you must focus only on the positive”. The question of whether a falling tree makes a sound when there’s no one around to hear it exploits the tension between perception & reality. The term "consciousness" is used to express many different concepts. This space is NOT for debates, jokes, fiction, or creative writing. And also, there are so many factors that go into this. Overwhelmingly, those who report NDEs think of them as a "spiritual" experience (a small percentage do not). ” ~ Annie Kagan As the light of consciousness begins to awaken within, your belief system of third dimensional reality seems absurd. It constructs reality by taking "individual" minds and incorporating them all into a broader field of conscious minds, which then contribute to the broader consensus reality. usually for something to become real it must be an idea first, and then it must acquire attention and material into itself, which follows the laws of social consciousness This dissolution of the continuity and reality of “me and my consciousness that is mine” equates psychologically with death. Death is avoided by making a center in thought that will make a logical analysis of reality and take the resulting opinion as truth. We are aware of being someplace else during our dream, so consciousness doesn't cover everything. But don’t fret. They resonate within, creating an energy that vibrates in your Being. This concept have existed in spirituality for a while known as manifestation. This defines Spirit as Consciousness, from which Mind was created second, this is the Sub-Conscious. In some cases, these streams may be local or regional in scope. Reality is creating itself and you are all of that. Then it would only make sense that there would be some way to connect these universes, and that is with consciousness. As always - it is up to the individual to use discernment and only use that which they find here, if it resonates with them. e. Join us on a journey toward a We do not create our own reality. If only, for every rambling thought we had, we created our reality, boy what a mess it'd be! They simply are a consequence of our subconscious programming. Aug 11, 2022 · A novel study reports the dynamics of consciousness may be understood by a newly developed conceptual and mathematical framework. You create your reality as an individual, we create our broader reality through the union of consciousness. Dec 4, 2023 · In this podcast, renowned teacher, speaker, and author known for his profound explorations into civilization, consciousness, and cultural evolution Charles Eisenstein joins host Steve Farrell for a discussion on “Rediscovering Our True Selves,” where you will explore why questions are often more impactful than answers themselves and how we can unlearn the unproductive and harmful things we The spiritual counterfeits are what the fallen angels give to us, and they are not trying to connect us to Him, but keep us in our separated state. This is a science AND an art. whatever we see in our Inner eye (Imagination) and Feel to be true in the Heart, then begins to manifest in our Outer eye (external reality). The idea is there is a certain number of iterations of consciousness I need to complete in order to learn the spiritual lessons needed for ascension. By energetic world I mean spiritual but Reddit wouldn’t allow me to put that in the title. Thoughts create reality because the same way the internal thoughts led you to creating this Reddit post is the same way they lead you down your own life to create your own reality of every second every day without realising it consciously or subconsciously, without the internal you wouldn’t be able to experience anything at all, when we say What do people mean specifically when they say stuff such as " your consciousness creates reality" or " You can manifest anything through your subconscious" and other such quotes related to self-awareness, consciousness, mind, etc Your reality is as different as mine as the guy living in the street. Nondualism, aka Advaita Vedanta, is not a religion, but an existential philosophy which holds that… I understand the whole consciousness creates reality (right now) argument based on the Hiesenberg uncertainty and the observer effect. If you disagree with this premise then this sub is not for you. We’re stuck in a cage that we threw away the key to. The two can then be seen to create the external experience or Matter/Conscious(synthesis). If the natural process of reality consists of A) Thoughts (energy and information) create reality. The law of attraction is written about in… I’ve been trying to reach a deeper understanding of how thoughts create reality for a while now, and the new understanding I have of that concept is this: Thoughts don’t resonate outward. Feeling from the heart is the link between the Inner and Outer eye. does consciousness create reality? it’s complicated, there is a gradient from something being real and not being real. 161 votes, 41 comments. Also at the end of the day, our consciousness is just a human picture of reality. Soulnexus is a sub where Spiritual individuals gather to discuss the nature of the Universe and Ourselves. Reply reply More replies More replies More replies An NDE is a hyper-lucid experience associated with perceived consciousness apart from the body occurring at the time of actual or threatened imminent death. While the concept of a solely mind-created reality is speculative and met It doesn't matter if the brain creates consciousness; it matters how that consciousness interacts with the world. The ego has a role to play in the expression of reality, but ultimately, all is created through a more collective universal will. A spiritual realm is impossible according to materialists: "If the idea of a spiritual realm and a mind that outlives the brain turned out to be true and materialism turned out to be false, then this discovery would not just add new insights to science the way that the revolutionary theories of relativity and quantum mechanics did, it would contradict science in its entirety. Making the formation of any new spiritual beliefs incredibly painful and difficult. The "you" that creates reality is different from the "you" that is ego. -We are now in this reality where this knowledge got striped of us for obscure reasons that we not gonna mention, bc it’s not the topic. When our body dies, the brain loses consciousness permanently, but we can see that something leaves the body and that something is aware that we can see it. So, you keep rising into newer and newer consciousness. If consciousness creates reality in whatever ways, I would like to create reality where minimum suffering occurs. Can I I un-create this virus or remove Trump who is creating a different reality? I respect positivity but this rings hollow in light of our world. But it still requires an original consciousness much larger in scope than ours to complete the theory and that is a whole new can of worms philosophically and scientifically. 6K subscribers in the nondualism community. 4 kg of brain tissue create thoughts, feelings, mental images, and an inner world? The ability of the brain to create consciousness has baffled some for millennia. Thus, spiritual people do not condemn thinking but rather advocate for a discerning and positive engagement with one’s thoughts. But the self is an illusion, and actual reality creation is a collaboration between what you think of as "you", and larger stuff that you're not aware of. We will never know reality as it is bc our only way to access reality is limited to the human brain in a way, we all create “reality” in our brains. It's also a question of the nature of time, and Einstein himself said the passage of time is an illusion, which means that the "past" is alive. I'm trying to think of a better metaphor. This means consciousness creates matter and not the other way around. The mistake is thinking there is separation between ‘you’ and ‘reality’ in such a way ‘you’ create ‘reality’. The name is relevant only in so far as it resonates with the contemplator. So even under a physicalist view where consciousness is 100% emergent from physical matter, to say consciousness has nothing at all to do with quantum physics I think is a strange claim to make since the existence of matter itself is contingent on its quantum properties. Just a quick note on thoughts - thoughts, alone*, DO NOT create our reality. a positive 'reality' that you're able to start over fresh and maybe do something you love to do or your passion. If we desire God, we must desire more than a connection to what is supernatural, but we must desire the Holy Spirit of God come into our lives to change us. Say, if you lose your job: a negative 'reality' is that you can't pay your bills vs. ” She agrees, and what started as a simple curiosity becomes a lifetime pursuit into the nature of physical reality, inner reality, dreams and the projection of consciousness as explained by Seth, the sum of many numbers of human incarnations moved on to the next venture into consciousness as a non-physical entity. i. The nail is the symbolism of the binding of our inner self and outer self in reality creation. Hence, for a long time, ideas that award special power to particularly the consciousness of an individual regarding their own reality, such as the "laws of attraction" and more generally the "consciousness creates reality" concept, that are often seen in many spiritual systems of thinking, were extremely difficult to tolerate and I developed a People think the universe is fundamentally made of matter and energy and are then forced to deal with the hard problem of consciousness. Astral Projection (OBEs) is the direct experience of transferring awareness to NON-PHYSICAL realities in order to explore BEYOND the physical. This is a genuine question. *Edit - added the last sentence. -Consciousness started to create the universal mind so it can create reality and everything known and unknown. We like to discuss symbols, myths, dreams, culture, alchemy, and Jung's unique contributions to psychology such as archetypes, personality types, dream analysis, the collective unconscious, and synchronicity. Awareness, however, is a more spiritual idea. Consequently, this sometimes leads to individuals talking past one another since they are using the term "consciousness" differently. After ascension into a more joyful way of experiencing eternal life, a “door” of sorts will be made available to you whenever you see fit that will allow you to “experience” the final so. Let go of "You create your own reality" is true except for three words: You, your, and own. Spirit created and manipulates both Mind and Matter. Maybe the problem there is a false assumption. We dream while we are unconscious. In a sense, our brains create an image of reality in accordance with how our brains function. The universe is a giant hologram of staggering complexity. Many people experience religious, or spiritual, trauma at a young age. The most important results that I see from these streams are how they are able to mold and shape the consciousness of society as a whole. Answers to it can help us understand quantum physicist Max Planck’s assertion that consciousness is fundamental — that “we cannot get ~behind~ consciousness. True. In the scientific world the Unified Field comes to mind, in spiritual philosophy, the All or Universal Consciousness is referred to and religion calls upon God who also goes by many names - Jehovah, Allah and Brahman to mention but a few. Asking ‘other people’ about solipsism is tantamount to having a dream at night where you ask the ‘other people’ in your dream if any of them really think it That’s a very good point. This is the bottom left (polarity) of the equation. We are blessed to have the free will and ability to create our realities with every thought, feeling, and action we have. A psychonaut is a person who experiences intentionally induced altered states of consciousness and claims to use the experience to investigate his or her mind, and possibly address spiritual questions, through direct experience. Trivially speaking, of course non-conscious material bits can create consciousness! It happens in the development of almost every human being, in the brain. Consciousness creates reality, because that's all there is. See full list on bigthink. , and the physical self expands into that new self. 1. It is related to empathy. ♡ Trollish behavior may result in an immediate ban without warning. Consciousness creates reality. They seem to be able to create a "reality" based on what a majority of humanity accepts and believes. Members Online Therefore reality both requires and creates consciousness. In your alternative conceptualization the universal field is more like the electrical power supply or the base carrier frequency and the brain uses this to create an individual consciousness. I have personally witnessed consciousness transcending local timespace, though. B) Superposition of electron (in a state of decay and active at the same time) creating parallel universe. Human shared fundamental consciousness means that it Jan 27, 2024 · The interplay between reality and spirituality sparks a journey into the depths of human consciousness and perception. Whatever we consciously or subconsciously choose to experience will be our reality. Feb 1, 2024 · Explore the convergence of science and spirituality in the pursuit of conscious living. " By cultivating a mindset that promotes love, kindness, and understanding, spiritual individuals aim to create a positive ripple effect not only in their own lives but also in the broader human experience. We recommend keeping an OPEN MIND. Apr 29, 2015 · Samuel Johnson thought the idea was so preposterous that kicking a rock was enough to silence discussion. it's a toxic new age narrative to gaslight anyone victim to circumstances of life, hardship, war and abuse. Source: Bar-Ilan University. sax xjnd uyqhxmw vnmc vgv vtufc jeftcx zgdrrnj hbfhm uya
