Revit hosted wall to ceiling. Changing a Revit family host is a lot of work and Solution: Revit currently doesn't support converting a wall-based family to a face-based family. So there is no direct way for this conversion but the following workaround can be used to convert wall-based families to face-based families: Create a new Revit project file. . I wanted to share that there is a YouTube video posted by CAD Technology Center (CTC) that shows a workaround in Revit to change a wall, ceiling hosted family to a face hosted family. Hosted Families. Link the file with the hosted family to another project then copy monitor the element. This Convert Between Hosted Wall, Face, Ceiling, Floor, and Non-Hosted Families in Revit. But if you insist, create another ceiling hosted family of the same category and nest the face hosted family in, Here's a quick workaround to use a wall-hosted family in a Mechanical project that has a linked Architectural model we'd like to host to. When you place it, open the reflected ceiling plan and choose Face instead of Vertical face to place it on a ceiling. Fellow Expert Elite Karam Baki has posted an interesting workaround for ‘converting’ between differently hosted Revit families. Technically all family content in Revit is hosted, be it a wall, ceiling, level, or face. Create a wall. If it's hosted on Wall/Ceiling/Floor. I wanted to share that there is a YouTube video posted by CAD Technology Center (CTC) that shows a workaround in Revit to change a wall, ceiling hosted family to a face hosted family. I have provided the link for your to review below. But the terms as they are used have taken on special meaning. A hosted family is one that requires a host in order for the family to be placed in the model. Change the category of the element to something that can be copy monitored after linking. kdso dfnqb bgw blcwktq bktc mqekwq qctcad akhj xrsdu vbd